Got Talent?

Personally, I don't believe there is such a thing as talent.  I believe that the thing we think of as "talent" is the actually the culmination of many things like skill, determination, discipline, desire and luck - just to name a few.

 I am often frustrated that as visual artists, we seem to feel that we must create a  masterpiece every time we hold a brush, pencil or other artistic tool in our hands.  Other creative disciplines seems to recognize and incorporate the need for PRACTICE more readily.  Musicians and actors have a work flow something like this...practice, practice, practice - perform - repeat. They NEVER stop practicing and as a visual artist, neither should you!  Be kind to yourself, let yourself play, don't be critical of every line and stroke.  Remember to take a step back and see the big picture that is forming in front of you.  Every once in awhile, let the ART lead you and be willing to try something new and make mistakes.

Have you ever taken a yoga class?  One of my favorite things about this discipline is the focus they place on the concept of practice.  When you are participating in a yoga class, you are reminded that this is your PRACTICE and that YOUR practice has nothing to do with the practice of others in the room.  Try to keep this in mind when ever you enter the arena of art.


The Creative Act


"What to leave in, What to leave out..." Tips for creating stronger Compositions